Sunday, May 20, 2012

Relaxing at the beachhouse

I am back today after a very long week. My dear old father-in-law sadly passed away last week. He didn’t quite reach 90 years of age – funny how you think you are ready for these things but really we never are……
I have some photos of our new outdoor furniture (at the beachhouse) to share with you…I have had the table since we bought the house two years ago but have been waiting to purchase some chairs to match to finish off the area. Finally I have found what I wanted – I had lots of problems finding the same colour match but I’m really pleased how they have all come together.
As we are coming into winter we have had to move our white poolside chairs and table under cover. I purchased enough cushions to have some to use on these chairs to bring everything together. So after a little bit of rearranging I’m happy with the final look. I have included on one of the photos the position of the kitchen, living room and dining room which is all open plan so you can hopefully get the idea. Our big sliding doors open right up so we have one big entertaining area. Just perfect for the summer!!
I still have to add some lovely pots and bits and pieces but I feel it is getting more and more like home. I spent about 2 hrs just lying out here yesterday morning in the dappled sunshine just thinking about the last week. Very restful…and just what I needed!!


I’m joining :


  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear of your lose. You are so right, we are never ready.

    Your home is stunning and the outdoor space is gorgeous. Beautiful furniture. I can see why you would live out there. So pretty and so comfortable looking. Hugs, Marty

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even in illness, it's still impossible to truly prepare yourself. It takes time.

  3. Feeling sorry for the recent loss of your beloved one! But it also good to see that you've regain the strength of living and got ready for the hottest summer. I like most the touch of nature in your each stuff of interior decoration. It'll give a natural calmness in his season. Hope after fixing the rest stuffs it'll be cool to see and live, too. Good luck.
    beach home

  4. Everything looks beautiful what a great place to reflect.

  5. Your outdoor furniture is very pretty and looks so comfortable. What a lovely place to sit and relax or entertain. Thank you for showing it at Your Cozy Home Party. I am sorry for the loss of your loved one. It's difficult to deal with no matter the age or circumstance. Best wishes to you and your family.------- Shannon

  6. wow!! so beautiful!

    Natasha @

  7. Such a great space. I love outdoor areas. I'm stopping by from Wow Us Wednesday. Thanks for sharing.

  8. No matter the age, the final good bye is not easy. My mom is 97, and I know we won't have her much longer. All the same, it will be difficult when her time comes.
    Your furniture is lovely. Enjoy your time outside.

  9. Oh, wow, Suzy...really very sorry to hear about your father-in-law. You're so right...we're never really ready even if we think we are. My condolences to your family with an extra hug in there for your husband. That has got to be really, really tough for him. On a more upbeat note, I am packing my bags and booking my flight to come live at your house so that I can enjoy this fabulous outdoor space on a daily basis! :-) THIS IS SO COOL!!! The convenient and immediate access from either the dining room or living room is just great!!!!!! I'm sure that makes entertaining large crowds SO much easier!!! You did great on the chair selection for the table, too! Enjoy!!!!!!

  10. Suzy, Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, sending prayers your way. I want to thank you for sharing this post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Your outdoor patio is beautiful, Love the furniture and how you've decorated!


  11. Suzy, Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, sending prayers your way. I want to thank you for sharing this post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Your outdoor patio is beautiful, Love the furniture and how you've decorated!


  12. Hello Suzy, so very sorry to hear about your Father-in-law. You're right, you are never prepared - my Father passed away several years back and I do miss him terribly. My Father-in-law's health has been declining fast so I encourage my husband and children to spend time with them...knowing.
    You have made your outdoor living just as comfortable as one indoors - very beautiful too. I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
