Monday, August 20, 2012

Gorgeous Ikea plates

As soon as I saw the gorgeous table set with doilies a couple of weeks ago I knew I had to try it. (Please if anyone knows who did this first just let me know and I will add that to my post). I have a lot of doilies from my mum, my MIL and my grandmother so I gathered up all the white ones I could find and set them out. I had bought these lovely pink and green plates (Ikea) a while back when I was ‘just looking’ and knew they would be lovely with the centrepiece. I decided the plates were so fine that I wanted to pair them with silver and white and nothing else. I tried many different napkins but they all looked too bulky (white sheer ones would have been perfect but I didn’t have any!!) so I ended up using paper napkins. Mind you, I did have to clean a bit of silver before I could start the table! Most of the crystal is vintage too, from various family members and the lovely candelabra was a gift from DNo 2.
I thought it would be great to serve dessert in the crystal glasses – just perfect to a lovely springtime lunch.

PS. Marlis@CreativeJourney did a table similar to this a couple of weeks ago but she found it on Pinterest.


  1. So gorgeous! I will have to remember this-maybe PIN it so I can. Some times I am brilliant! Ha! Have a wonderful day.♥♫

  2. What a beautiful table! I love all of your doilies! :)

    ***I am stopping by from the Make It Pretty Monday Hop. Have a lovely week!

  3. Oh, it is all so pretty! Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. I love this tablescape! It is so feminine looking with all the lace!

  5. What a lovely tablescape. So lady like.Reminds me when doilies were so popular. I am going to make place mats made with a lace curtain with blue backing soon.

  6. Stunning!!

    Love the plates but all the lace made this Victorian heart go pitter patter...


  7. Gorgeous tablescape! I love all your dishes with flowers and the clear glass ones are great too. I adore that turn of the century, (last century) look with crochet doilys and they've made a big come back, I have them from mother nad grandma, so I do use them a lot too. Your collection of lace it's so beautiful.
    Just dropped by to visit from TTT.

  8. Absolutely lovely, Suzi! I like the plate pattern!!! It's wonderful that you were able to put all those lacy, pretty doilies into service! Such pretty candelabra, too! Very dainty. I never, ever, ever would have guessed those napkins were paper! They must be very high quality! Good goin'!!!

  9. Love the plates, they are so sweet.!

  10. What a sweet way to incorporate the sweetness of the vintage doilies or even new ones. Sometimes it's hard to come up with ways to use them, but this is a fantastic idea. Makes such a great tea setting.

  11. PS: I'm also now following. Thought I was already. Now I really am. Hope you'll stop over to Quirky Vistas and follow as well if you like!

  12. Gorgeous. The flowers and lace all look so pretty together. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  13. Your table is lovely and especially nice that you could use all the doilies from your family. I remember seeing the post you mention as your inspiration, but don't recall who did it. If I think of it, I'll stop back by. I think it's grand that we get inspiration from one another.

  14. Just the prettiest table! Love that there is so much to look at, all the textures.

  15. What a pretty table! The doilies really add a great touch. Those plates are very pretty!

  16. Really pretty table -- so feminine.

  17. Love all those beautiful doilies.
    altho those plates are from Ikea,
    which is considere modern, your pretty plates take on a vintage look with the use of your doilies. Made for a very sweet table.

    Blessings, Nellie

  18. OOh your table looks lovely. I did that a few weeks back from a picture on pinterest that I think was published somewhere. I love your pretty plates and the napkins are the perfect accompaniment to them for sure.. Stunning table.. xo marlis

  19. Lovely table setting here - would love to have you come link tomorrow to "Open House"!

  20. You did a wonderful copycat. I love it! I think it was Marlis who posted one last time. I might have to try this someday too, it's just too charming!..Christine

  21. I like to use old doilies as well. this table just looks so pretty and soft. Visiting from Let's Dish!

  22. The lace all over the place makes your table especially feminine. Would be lovely for a bridal breakfast. Visiting from Let's Dish, Olive

  23. Beautiful tablescape and love those Ikea plates. You have done a fantastic job creating a vintage table with new items. I'm visiting from Centerpiece Wednesday. Have a great weekend.

  24. I just love the doilies in your tablescape. Everything is so delicate and feminine - just right for a ladies' lunch! I love your crystal, too.

  25. Your table is beautiful. I love everything about it. Great idea. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this and any other posts. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party. It runs from Wednesday to Sundays.
    I hope to see you there. I am your newest follower, and I would love for your to follow me also. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  26. Happy PINK Saturday! What a pretty tablescape, I really like the plates eou got at Ikea. Have a great weekend, Nan

  27. Anytime you have such lovely things, you will have a beautiful table setting.

  28. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful tablescape on Simple & Sweet Fridays. Love the dishes from Ikea!


  29. This tablesetting is really beautiful! I love IKEA! There are so very many beautiful things there at a bargain price - I live two hours from one I must make time to visit! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  30. These table settings are so pretty. I love what you have done. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party last week. This weeks Link Party is opened at
    Hope to see you there.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  31. Wonderful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!
