Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sunny winter afternoon

We are still having some cool nights and recently when I was too lazy to set the fire and feeling cold I grabbed a shaggy quilt I had made a few years ago. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we look at things differently….I suddenly saw this quilt as a table cloth!!  I love the gorgeous earthy colours so I thought it would be perfect for an outdoor tablescape.  I didn’t need a lot of other colour so I chose to use mocha colour tableware and napkins. Cream flatware and a wooden trug full of matching cups and saucers finished off the table.  Such nice weather…we are screaming (yes, literally, screaming!) out for rain but it just doesn’t seem to come. We are preparing a lot of our sheep ready to sell as we don’t have any feed for them for the summer so things are going to get a little busy.  Lucky we are able to drift of to blogland for a bit of inspiration!!




  1. A very charming and cozy tablescape, Suzy! Love the quilt as a covering for the table and your china is lovely. Thank you for sharing this with Tea Time and have a lovely day.


  2. Hello SuziQ,
    Your table today is gorgeous! I adore the rag quilt and have always wanted to make one myself. It is perfect with your setting. I adore the china! Oh my! Such gorgeous roses and in perfect colors for fall.
    Best wishes on your sheep sale : )

  3. You hit the nail on the head with this one. Love how you used the old quilt for a tablecloth and the setting is perfect for your fall dishes. Love it all.

  4. OK...you just threw another new word at me that I'm going to have to Google. "Trug." I have never heard that word before. You really keep me on my toes! :-) I'm so sorry that you guys are experiencing the same drought that we here in the U.S. have been suffering through all summer long. Many of our farmers here are also having to sell off livestock because of it. Rain has just been very elusive. WE only got a couple of days amounting to a few inches of snow over the winter months, too, so that means we are extra dry. I like my martinis extra dry, but I'd prefer a little moisture for the crops! :-) You set a lovely table, Suzy, and I commend you for the great job on the quilt!!! It IS fun to look at so many things in a different light when we consider our tablescapes! Take care, and I really do hope you get rain soon.

  5. So pretty. I love the quilt tablecloth. The plates are gorgeous. I just love that shade of brown.

  6. I love the carrier for the china! that caught my eye. wonderful setting....
    I would love to see your place and the sheep....gotta live vicariously...

  7. Hi SuzyQ,
    Funny I have a SIL named Susan and she was always called SuzyQ when she was growing up, and she will still call and say it is SuzyQ!!
    Anyway, your quilt made such a lovely tablescape, and your Mocha dishes and charming mocha flatware was perfect with it. Very charming table.
    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Hi Again Susy,
    Just wanted to tell you we have been praying that Issac will cause all those folks in the Midwest to get
    rain........I know things are hard
    up there right now. Just wanted you to know that we care about that too.
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. I hear you about the drought...I can't believe we can't get any rain these days..my poor plants are suffering. I really like your tablescape...especially using the quilt for a tablecloth! I have those same dishes only in a creamy color.
    Thanks for linking up and sharing.

  10. The quilt is so beautiful. It's perfect as a backdrop for your pretty tablescape...Christine

  11. beautiful table! i love the old quilt..and the dishes just fit perfectly!! just lovely!

  12. Love your quilt as a tablecloth. The seam edges are really different and makes it look so cozy and casual. I use my quilts as tablecloths too. Most of mine are old and handed down from great grands and my mother. No matter how fancy the dishes the quilt brings it into a casual feeling in my eyes. Thanks for sharing.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  13. I really love your table! The quilt really adds a nice touch- very cozy!
    I love the trug- in fact it reminds me of a wooden box I keep wanting to use for a tablescape! I love how your china has the roses on it like your quilt! The mocha colored dishes really look yummy on top of the quilt!
    So sorry to hear you are short on feed for the sheep- but I have been hearing a lot about that lately.

  14. I am a quilter, so your quilt really caught my eye. What a delightful and charming table.

    Jocelyn @

  15. Beautiful table...the quilt makes a great tablecloth.

  16. It looks just beautiful - unique and inviting - would love to sit and stay awhile!!!

  17. Love the table....I love creating new tablescapes! Just did one for "Back to School"....found you on my daughter's site, Trendy Treehouse, and just became your #279th member....I would love to have you visit me at pinecreekstyle.blogspot.com and join if you wish! :) have a stylish day, NeeCee

  18. Love the table....I love creating new tablescapes! Just did one for "Back to School"....found you on my daughter's site, Trendy Treehouse, and just became your #279th member....I would love to have you visit me at pinecreekstyle.blogspot.com and join if you wish! :) have a stylish day, NeeCee

  19. Your tablescape is gorgeous! I adore the rag quilt which sets the stage! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  20. Hi Suzy,
    What a wonderful idea and new way to use your raggedy quilt. I have a few that I have made...(one in plaids) that I just might pull out and give a whirl on my harvest table.
    Thank you for your great post and idea, my friend,

  21. LOVE your tablescape - that quilt is gorgeous - very inspired - the soft colors of the dishes compliment it well! Well Done! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  22. Hey Suzy,
    I love the idea of using this quilt as a tablecloth. It is beautiful with all of your dishes and glasses. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party last week. This weeks Link Party is opened at
    from Wednesday until Sunday.
    Hope to see you there.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above
