Sunday, September 16, 2012

Spring Mantel

Such a lovely day today – spring is really here!! I had a little time to change things around a little to suit the weather (I’ve been loving all the fall decorating I’ve been seeing this week).  Actually, I love fall.  I love spring too but I hate summer so much here in Australia (not bad at the beach house but so stressful here on the farm!) I think this is why I love fall. I picked a bunch of spring blooms when I was over at our other farm this morning and well, you know how it goes….one thing leads to another and suddenly things are changing around.
I had this lamp in my sunroom and hadn’t used it in a while so thought it would be nice on my mantle (actually it’s my TV cabinet but I’m sure no-one minds!!). I’ve been going to paint it for ages so of course out came the paint. As usual I was doing it in a hurry and hadn’t stirred the paint properly and all I got was a light wash and I loved it!!! Sometimes things are  meant to be.

I’m joining


  1. Oh my Spring in September! Very pretty vignette! The cherry blossom branches look great in the white pitcher! So you'll be in the heat of summer when I'm getting buried under snow! Enjoy your spring it's one of the best times of the year!

  2. What a lovely post, like the plate and the lamp. Spring, nice thought, love all the seasons, they all have good times. Your post was very charming...
