Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Royal Albert Chintz

A few years ago when my Dad died he left me some money - not a lot but money he had worked hard for and had saved so I decided I would buy myself something really nice to keep in his memory. I thought for quite a while before I decided on a Royal Albert dinner set in Old Country Roses design. Over the years I have been lucky enough to receive lots of accessories to match. I thought I would share it with you for this week's teascapes.

This tall glass is actually a candle that matches the colour of the roses perfectly.

I love cups all stacked up like this - especially when they are this pretty!!

The chintz plates are really my all time favourite - if I could have a complete dinner set like this I would be in heaven!

I have matching placemats and coasters in two different sizes - it is amazing how many accessories there are too match.

 Even a guest book - please take the time to leave me a message. lol

More cups piled high.

No table would be complete without the matching salt and pepper shakers, sugar bowl and creamer. We received this beautiful sugar spoon as a wedding present - it has a beautiful rose on the end.

Platters in all shapes and sizes...

Even a pretty little cake stand - once again I have been baking (not)!!

How stunning is this chintz?? I love this in any colour - not that I have any but I have seen lots in antique shops. On my wish list.....

This china is also Royal Albert Old Country Roses but in a more country style - not quite as dainty as the other.

I had intentions of painting this old dresser before I showed any photos but as usual time just gets away. I still intend painting it so I will keep you posted and show it to you once it is finished.


  1. Love it. My mom has this pattern in blue. Her favorite color.

  2. How nice that you chose some beautiful china to remember your father by. The pattern is a favourite of many and it's good that you can find pieces to match.
    The chintz plate is so pretty, maybe you'll find more to go along with it too.

  3. Gorgeous collection of Old Country Roses. J's Aunt Ruth has a collection also.
    This post reminds me, we need to stop by, next time we are in her neck of the woods.

    I love this pattern. Pretty post!

  4. Good morning Suzy,
    Your Old Country Roses is simply exquisite! How lovely you have so many pieces. I especially love the chintzy ones; teacups are darling! OCR was my father's favourite too and whenever I see them I automatically think of him. I look forward to seeing what you do to the cabinet. Thank you for sharing your beautiful china today and thank you for joining me for tea. Have a wonderful week.


  5. What a beautiful collection! What's fun is, you can find old and new pieces!

  6. Good morning Suzy,
    Your collection of Old Country Roses is exquisite!! It is one of "the" classics!! All of the variations make the collection more intriguing. Thank you so much for sharing!!
    Drop "over" if you have time.
    Warm hugs, Laura

  7. What a lovely collection! Thank you for sharing:)

  8. How beautiful!!! And, how special for you. I'm sure your father would be pleased. Happy Tea Day!

  9. Your hutch is beautiful and all of your china is just stunning. I am just drooling over every single piece. Love it. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  10. Your china is just beautiful! I love the pattern, so dainty and pretty. Can't wait to see the dresser once you are finished with it! :-)


  11. How beautiful it all is. And what a precious treasure because it is something you got out of your father's last gift to you... I love the chintz pieces. They are exquisite... I can see why you love them. Thanks for sharing a very special post today with us. Your dad would be very happy that you have something you love.

  12. Suzy, these are gorgeous photos! I love your choice of commemorative china. Old Country Roses has been around so long, and is still a gorgeous pattern to use.
    I love Chintz as well. Always so cheery and pretty at the same time.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  13. Oh, Suzy! It's fabulous! I have Old Country Roses but I've just begun collecting so have a long ways to go. I was fortunate to get several place settings for a good price on eBay. Your china is stunning; it reaffirms that I made a good china choice! Have a wonderful week!
    Blessings, Beth

  14. I have loved this pattern for many years and have just a few pieces, building my collection one piece at a time. What a delightful way to spend the money your dad wanted you to have - I think it's a lovely tribute, and a beautiful set!

  15. Dear One,
    Such lovely dishes...something to truly enjoy looking at and using. The dishes can sure set a mood and what a sweet mood you could set!

    God bless and may you have a sweet life,
    d from HomeHaven

  16. Oh, my goodness, Suzy! I'm in hog heaven just seeing your gorgeous gorgeous china! This pattern has always been on my wish list! You have so many lovely pieces that I've never seen before! Love the pretty platters and the two different designs together! Oh, I do have the little salt and peppers! I found them for a song and just had to have them.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. What a nice collection of beautiful dishes.

  18. That's just a stunning set of china! Or should I say sets of china! I LOVE how you have them all displayed together...like a group of sisters all lined up for a photo shoot, all ages and sizes, a little bit different on each face, but generally the same look from the family about them! GORGEOUS!!!
    Blessings, Doni

  19. Old Country Rose, such a stunning and classic set! how nice of you to have a complete set of this flower. I have just a cup & saucer of the same. like you, i do love the chintzy ones.. they are just lovely dont they!

  20. ooh your Albert hihi looks nice!!!
    i wish you a verry nice evening

  21. Hi: What a wonderful way to remember your Dad! I love it so much. You are one lucky lady. I am sorry about your Dad though. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  22. WONDERFUL!!! Floral theme is delicate.So pretty and elegant. Hugs. Fatima-Scrapart

  23. You have such a nice collection of these - the chintz is my favorite too.

    Some news: We're staring a Giveaway Friday! link-up party this Fri. 8/27 plus we are giving away custom backsplash! Hope you'll join us.


  24. Know what my heart is doing right now, SuzyQ? It's going flutter, flutter, flutter! I have a set of Old Country Roses, too, gifted to me by my daughter. I did a post on it once. Those dishes are so lovely. I love your chintz, too. Is that in the Prince Royal Albert family, too? Oh my. "Gor-gee-ous." Susan

  25. OMGoodness...this is an amazing collection of the most beautiful dishes. So so pretty....*sigh

  26. Well you certainly have more than 3 of a kind here. Wow. Seriously were those cake slices real? They made my mouth water.
    I think it is so fabulous that you bought yourself something special with the money your father worked so hard for. What a great gift.

  27. A beautiful collection...the Welsh dresser is the perfect place to display all of your lovelies. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  28. Your collection is very pretty...and what a nice way to remember your father.

  29. Oh my the loveliness!!! My grandmother had the same dishes. I had forgotten all about them until I saw your post. Wonderful memories came flooding back after I saw the dishes. She did not have all the extra pieces you did tho. What wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing .Lori L

  30. Gorgeous and nice that you have it from your Dad so to speak! I have a friend who loves this pattern too and I buy her pieces as gifts to add into her collection.

  31. Your Old Country Roses is just beautiful. It is so nice that you chose something that would alway be dear to you in memory of your dad. I'm sure you think of him every time you use them.

  32. Such a beautiful thing to remember your dad by.

  33. ...and you chose wisely...it's all so very gorgeous.

    My link for you... WIZARD OF OZ
    Do come by to say hello if you have time!

  34. Lovely collection! Thanks for sharing. Love the stacked cups, one on the bottom my fav. Came over from Romantic Home.

  35. Your right in buying the china in memory of your dad...just beautiful! Found you from Friday's Pretties:).

  36. Very pretty... and what a good choice for honoring your father...


  37. Just came across your blog on My Romantic home.
    Love it!
    Your chintz is just wonderful!
    I will be signing up to follow!
    Thank you for sharing!

  38. Suzy Don't you just love the old Country Rose China. I have the dinner set, I still need alot of the accessories. My next goal is the teapot! That is such a good memory to have of your father.

  39. Hi,,,I am visiting from Friday Pretties. Your china collection is very stunning! Thank you for sharing that with us, it is all so pretty.
    Blessings to you for a happy weekend,
    Gloria... @}~`}~~~

  40. I read one time that the Old Country Rose pattern is the most beloved pattern in the United States -- I can certainly see why. What a lovely way to remember your father -- certainly he would be pleased.

  41. love your china. i've always admired this pattern. so fun to see it with lots of your fun accessories!

