Thursday, August 26, 2010

What a find....

Do you ever get really excited when you find something 'really good' at the op-shop (Goodwill to you Americans lol)? Well the other day that happened to me. I saw this really cute salt and pepper set. Just great, I thought, for summer. You know, when you just need the shakers but not really to make a big statement. Perfect.  I puchased them for $1.00 - what a bargain as well so how could I leave them there. I brought them home and gave them a good scrub and left them to dry for a few days then this morning I filled them ready for my tablescape and put the lids on... that's when things went pear-shaped.....

As you can see they are lovely dimpled glass without a chip and pretty little silver lids......wait for it...

I have two pepper shakers and no salt!!!!! I am sorry this photo is so blurry but I was really chuckling away to myself by this stage. Never mind, I have decided to keep them and use them like this - lucky they are clear glass so really no-one needs to look at the top. I wonder how long it will be before anyone else notices this.

I have used my blue willow dinner set today - I have had this for quite a while. It isn't a family heirloom, just some I purchased over time at the local grocery store. You can see it dispayed in my dresser here.

I have decided today I really 'need' some hot pink napkins. I have lots of different colours but unbelievably no hot pink. I have used pale pink napkins with this pretty cloth. This is a piece of fabric I use for the displays at my sister's gift shop.

Goodness me, I must have really been chuckling away -these photos are all a bit shakey!! 

This cup and saucer reminds me of my nan - she would never have poured a cup of tea in a mug like we do these days.

I had fun today putting this table together - I hope you can all have a little laugh at something silly today.



  1. I believe you table is just smashing...that tablecloth is really unique and it looks great with the blue willow. Of course I just love Blue Willow! Joni

  2. "Your table was extra special" I LOVED it!!! Your cute little Pepper&Pepper set is going to be "Quite the conversation pieces", it should be fun. I WOULD have bought them too!!!
    Hugs, Donna

  3. You could say that you needed a pepper for each end of the table and you were cutting back on salt. Or you could find little salt cellars.

    Nice table.


  4. I love your table ... the table cloth is so cool and using it with the traditional china is fantastic! S & P are perfect for my family, too! I always reverse the contents and can never tell which is salt versus pepper! Clear is good! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, that Blue Willow looks fantastic on the modern tablecloth.

  6. I too would have bought them! Who cares...the salt will still shake just as good from the 'P' as from an 'S'!!! Your table is gorgeous. Love that cloth! You did a fantastic job with that.
    Have a lovely day!
    Blessings, Doni

  7. More blue and white. Always so welcome. Must be the summer weather -- it feels as good as your table looks. Great shakers, too.

    Some news: We're staring a Giveaway Friday! link-up party tomorrow, 8/27 plus we are giving away a custom backsplash! Please join us to link your giveaway or browse. Jane F.

  8. The tablecloth is spectacular! I love the 'op art' paired with the blue willow. Thank you for sharing your charming design. Cherry Kay

  9. I love the fabric you're using on the table, and it looks great with your blue and white dishes! Yes, you DO need some hot pink napkins! LOL about the two pepper shakers!
