Friday, August 27, 2010

Yummy cakes to tempt you

Is it possible to gain weight through osmosis??? I am convinced it is. This is a wonderful cake shop I found on my recent holiday in Melbourne and I swear I did not eat one piece of this and I still have gained some (not sure how many cos I haven't looked!) unwanted kilos.  Maybe it had something to do with all the other wonderful food we ate or maybe even the yummy wines we drank......

Lemon meringue pie would have to be one of my favourites - how yummy do these look.



  1. How about just a small slice of each:@)

  2. Osmosis, yes, that must be it. I guess I'll have to give up Foodie Fridays - NOT!


  3. What a wonderful selection of cakes and treats at this Melbourne bakery.

    If I could reach into the display case right now through my computer screen (LOL) for a slice of cake, I'd choose both the vanilla chocolate chip cake and the banana cake.
    Perhaps the wine and your dinners out during your trip added kilos.
    The fruit tarts are so pretty with the glaze...I'll have two please.

  4. Hello there sweet Suzy-Q!

    What fabulousness and sweet treats await at Melbourne bakery!.., Wow!.., I'll have a slice of each; one for me and the rest to share with some friends for Afternoon Tea!

    Thanks for sharing this yumminess!

    Also, your very lovely post from last week's tea was so very pretty with your absolutely beautiful, 'Old Country Roses' extravaganza of beauties.., Wow!.., What a collection!

    ..,(I have been out of the office taking such much needed vacation, 'R. and R.' time); yet I wanted to thank you so very much also for partaking with last week's little tea parties!..,

    Thanks so much for for sharing this loveliness as well as being a precious part of our, Tuesday Tea For Two' and 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'; 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland", experience dear lady!..,

    I always love having you join us!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    and also
