Monday, August 30, 2010


We have had a very sad weekend at the farmhouse. Yesterday Mr FH and I were in the sheepyards working when our beautiful, beautiful sheep dog Holly ran onto the road and was hit by a passing car. We were ready to move sheep across the road and the driver had ignored our signs and was travelling at a high speed when he hit Holly right in front of me. To say we were traumatised is really an understatement!! Mr FH is absolutely devastated to lose his best friend. I had trouble sleeping last night as I kept thinking - what if that had been a child? It is just too scary to even contemplate...

Today I have put together a very simple table(chair?)scape to join Tuesday's fun - I had made these pretty cushions a while ago and I just adore the colours.

This lovely teacup and saucer was a gift from a very dear old friend - she welcomed me into this community when I came here as a young bride 33 years ago. Sadly she has passed on but she was like another Mum to me. I have used this cup and saucer earlier in a pretty red tablescape which you might like to see here.

I found this cute old chair at a local antique shop (local, as in 80kms away!). I use this at my old rolltop desk which came from my husband's family. The chair is very rickety but I really love it - I won't need to put on any weight or I might just go right thru'!

Isn't this such a pretty chair?? How I would love a whole set of these.

Can you see the tiny insects flying around the rose buds on the cushion?  I'm not sure what they are but they are way too small to be bees. I think gingham is such happy fabric - just what I need this week. Actually I had little Miss L come to visit yesterday (she is now 4 mths and has 2 teeth!) and little Mr L is coming to stay at the farm house tomorrow so there is nothing like grandies to cheer us up!

A couple of dusty old books look right at home on this old chair - maybe if the chair gets too fragile to use I could use it as a bedside table - now that's got me thinking!  


I'm joining:


  1. Dear One, So very sorry for the loss of your sweet sheep dog, Holly. They are like family.

    The cup and saucer are in deed very pretty and I'm sure a pleasure to use.

    I live in a small town nestled in the Kansas Flint Hills with gentle rolling hills on the prairie. Hope you'll drop by sometime for a virtual cup of tea! It would be great to visit with you.

    God bless you and may you have a delightful week,
    d from homehaven

  2. Oh I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Such a tragedy.
    Your chairscape is fabulous and such a creative idea. Love the teacup, it is stunning and your pillows are just beautiful. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. That is just so sad. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pet.

  4. I am so sorry about your dog, I can't imagine what I would do without mine and to see it get hit, poor you. I'm sending you a hug.

    Love your pretty tea cup and saucer. I like anything with roses and so I also love your pillow on that sweet chair! The gingham pillow makes me smile.

    I hope you have a lovely week!


  5. My sympathy on the loss of sweet Holly. As a dog person, I understand the love you shared and I can just imagine how smart she was to herd sheep. Hugs!

    Your tea cup is so beautiful and I love the chair, pillows, and books you've put with it.

  6. O My! My heart goes out to you over the terrible accident that caused the loss of your beloved pet! I am so very sorry and share your grief as we have just gone through the loss of our sweet Savanna and are still trying to get used to a different life style with out a dog in the house for the first time in 20 years!.
    Please visit me and read the Rain Bow bridge as it may give you some consolation during this time of such sorrow.


  7. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear dog. They are so much a part of the family, "best friends" indeed. We lost a sweet kitty in much the same way, although we were fortunate that we did not see it happen - we simply found her by the curb when we came home one evening. Sending you hugs across the miles, and wishing you better, more rested sleep tonight. Of course, I would also like to say that your cushions are lovely... the chair is WONderful, and the china is very very pretty!
    ~ Janet

  8. So sorry he hear about your dog, it is such an awful way to lose a friend.
    I love the rose cushion, it almost looks real in the photos

  9. What a great chair and your rose fabrics are beautiful!

  10. Oh my Lord! I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine how heartbreaking and traumatizing that was. I'm truly sorry :(

    Thanks for taking the time to share your pretty tea cup and arrangement with us this tuesday.

  11. Ah, I love your "chair scape" but I am so sad to hear about your dog. What a horrible thing to have happen to a beloved pet! Sending hugs to you today.

  12. Dear, I am so very sorry to hear about Holly. It is indeed sorrowful and my heart goes out to you and your husband.

    Your tea cup from a dear friend is very lovely. The fact that it has good memories makes it extra special.

    Hugs to you,

  13. My heart aches for you all with the loss of your best friend.

    Thank you for sharing your clever of you! Lovely teaset. I first thought the roses were real..lovely fabric.

    Blessings, Pam

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about Holly. Our furbabies are so important to our lives and love us without thought.

    I love the teacup and how wonderful that it has such pleasant memories for you.

    Wishing you well.

  15. Sorry to hear about your dog being hit. Take care and thank you for sharing your beautiful tea cup and saucer. Connie

  16. Very lovely post and glad you felt you could show us teacups when you were in grief. Such a sad story about your dog. Bad enough to lose your friend but to see it, to have it happen so stupidly....makes it worse I know.

  17. Hello, I am so sorry to hear about your dog, so heart breaking, it is very hard to get over things like this, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I wanted to tell you how beautiful your tea cup is, I love it. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Terri

  18. Your chair scape is clever and lovely. Our hearts go out to you for the lost of your pet and friend Holly. I will be keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

  19. Oh I am so sorry to hear of your family's loss of your treasured dog. My heart goes out to you~
    Thanks for sharing a lovely tea and beautiful images. Take care, hugs Theresa

  20. I am so sorry about your dog. My heart goes out to you both,

    The teacup and the pillows are beautiful.


  21. How sad. Our animals are like members of our families. I am so sorry.

    The tea cup is just lovely. And your chair scape is beautiful. Books, pretty pillows and a cup of tea. The perfect life!

  22. I am so sorry about your Holly. It's really heartbreaking to lose a good friend. Your teacup and saucer are beautiful. I too love the chair.

  23. I'm so sad about your friend and your Holly. My friend, Cindy, lost her 'Smokey,' this week, too. I like that you chose to share your beautiful vintage items with us, even in the midst of your sorrow. I think that you must be a "Steel Magnolia," after all. Thank you for sharing your story. Cherry Kay
