Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring is here!!

This is a magnificent tree I saw on my recent trip to Melbourne. As you can see the limbs are really old and twisted. It was in a park setting very close to the centre of the city. I found Melbourne to be a very drab city as the buildings are very old (I do like that tho) but as they have very strict water restrictions in place most of the cars driving around were all covered with a layer of 'greyness' -I don't think that is a word but I think you will get the picture. I have some lovely photos of some beautiful old buildings that I will share with you later.

After wandering the city streets for some time we came across a market which had the most beautiful flowers - I really wanted to buy some but as we were only there for 3 nights I thought it was a bit silly.  It was just great to see the buckets and buckets of vibrant colours lined up. As today is the first day of spring here I am getting my 'spring fix' by looking as these photos.

Happy spring day!!



  1. ooh so nice that flowers. spring in autralia and autumn in the netherlands
    i wish you a verry nice time in Melbourne

  2. Beautiful pictures! I didn't know that about Melbourne...the grayness. I'd never buy a gray car to begin with!! ;-D

    Hope you are enjoying your visit. I love the buckets of flowers!


  3. Oh...tulips are my favorite Spring flower! It is getting ready to turn to Autumn here which is one of my favorites times of year!
    Happy Spring to you!!

  4. I loved your tree photos. Beautiful. Trees were my theme for Wordless and Outdoor Wednesdays today. :-)
    Su-sieee! Mac
    This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
