Monday, June 25, 2012

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

May is the fundraising month in Australia for the Cancer Foundation. This year DNo 1 decided she would have a morning tea to raise some money. She ended up raising over $500 which was a great effort. She raided my cupboards for anything red and white (her home has red accents) and started making plans.
We had the most lovely morning. Please excuse the blurry photos but I think there were 100 small children there (not really!) and it was quite hard to get some photos. This fundraising event is very dear to my heart as I lost my father from cancer 16 years ago. Sadly this terrible disease seems to touch us all.

I’m joining :


  1. Wow! A gigantus tea cups and OZ smallest cupcakes? That's so cute.

    Drooling to death now coz I am so love a sugar mood.

    Happy mid-week.

  2. Congratulations on the money raised to help fight that horrible disease. The table looks very pretty and the desserts look yummy. Good job! I want to thank you for coming to my party so often. I enjoyed meeting lots of new friends that way. Please come by to visit because I am still blogging, just need some extra time to work on some new opportunities. I will continue to visit all my blogger buddies! Thanks again----------Shannon

  3. Congratulations to your daughter and her fundraising tea to fight cancer. The goodies look yummy. Well done! Happy Tea Day!

  4. What a worthy cause! Yes cancer touches us all. Red is such a cheerful colour in the morning or anytime. Thank you for sharing this with Tea Time and enjoy your day.


  5. Oh my everything is so pretty and looks so good. Congrats on the success of the fund raiser. Great job. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. Sorry for your loss. Love the photos and the effort to fund research. Red cups are cheery!

  7. Wow, Suzy! You have a LOT of red & white!!!!!!! That was definitely good news for your daughter, I'm sure! She did a wonderful job, and all the sweets look delicious! SO glad to hear that she raised so much money for the cause!!! Cancer is such an ugly, ugly disease and - like you said - it has touched each and every one of us at some time in our lives. Hey...I mentioned you in the post I just did for the 4th of July celebrations here in the States. You're in either the 1st or 2nd paragraph. I have become very sensitive to the fact that your seasons are the flip of ours! :-)

  8. What a lovely idea.......and all the food looks wonderful as well as all
    the vignettes. All very pretty,
    and great yall had such fun doing something that was such a wonderful cause.
    blessings, Nellie

  9. Congrats on such a successful all the red!

  10. With those lovely cups, flatware and yummy food I'm sure the giving was easy for the attendees. So glad it went well. xo marlis

  11. What a lovely idea and fundraiser! Everything is so pretty!

    I'm so happy you shared this at Potpourri Friday!!

  12. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  13. Brilliant! Love the idea, the cups and the desserts! Congratulations on its success! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  14. What a great idea for fund raising. I lost my mother to cancer when I was a teenager. My daughter and I are participating in a cancer walk in October. We are starting to run out of ideas for fund raising. Your idea may give me a spark.
