Monday, June 18, 2012

Cold down under

Ok…I need you to all turn up your air conditioning before you go any further!!! I’m sure a lot of you forget I’m on the other side of the world (yes, I do it too!!) so we are just coming into winter. We have just finished our seeding (planting our crops) for the year. We have 1600 acres of wheat, oats and barley planted ready to pop up out of the lovely warm soil. D No 1 and her two little boys came for the weekend and we had such a lovely time. The weather was perfect for gathering wood, picnicking, tractor rides and  generally just being out and about on the farm
Today, however things are a little different. I helped Mr FH for a while this morning and it was quite chilly so I set myself a nice little lunch table on the ottoman by the fire when I returned.
As you can see I needed a cute hat and gloves while I was outside but once I discarded them when I came inside I thought they made the perfect start to a little table setting. Spicy pumpkin soup was just perfect followed by a cup of hot chocolate. (I bet you are sweating just reading this!!).
I just love to have the fire burning…there’s something really comforting about the flames of the nice warm fire on a winter’s day.
I grabbed this old wooden tray to use to stabilise my cups and I see now I should have oiled it a little to freshen it up but too late now!! Isn’t this the cutest little hat with the gorgeous chunky buttons. I bought it from my sister’s gift shop but when I tried it on I looked TERRIBLE so I have given it to my daughter who looked super cute in it!!

I’m joining :


  1. Now don't laugh too loudly, because when I first glanced at the picture I thought you'd made a cute hand puppet. It was just the way it was folded and how the buttons looked like eyes and a rather oddly placed nose! That's how it is when one glances quickly at those tiny pictures on blogger! You enjoy the cool and we'll suffer the heat-yesterday and today should be 100 degrees.♥♫

  2. Unbelievable, Suzy. I am sitting here sweating and you have the fire going and hot soup and cocoa. It's a strange world we live in, isn't it?

  3. beautiful post but, oh my it is so hot here...This looks great! Perfect for a winter night!

    Hopping over from Anita's Cowgirl up. I am a Happy follower of your blog xo

  4. beautiful post but, oh my it is so hot here...This looks great! Perfect for a winter night!

    Hopping over from Anita's Cowgirl up. I am a Happy follower of your blog xo

  5. I'll take your cool and you can have my HOT! Soup and cocoa ... looks good to me!

  6. Mmm, hot cocoa! I still find it amazing that you are heading into wintertime while we are heading into summertime! It's funny how our countries differ that way. Your fire looks cozy and I love the hat! I'm a hat person so I think it's adorable! Hope you have a beautiful day and thanks for coming to my party.


  7. Shhh...don't tell but I can drink hot cocoa any time of year, and on occasion, we turn the a/c even colder so we can turn on the gas logs ;)

    Love the colors of your dishes! Almost makes me wish for autumn here in the U.S...almost :)

  8. I eat soup year round so of course your pumpkin soup looks delish to me! Pretty setting. Visiting from Ivy and Elephants. Would love it if you would share this post at my Make it Pretty Monday link party at The Dedicated House. Wishing you a grand evening. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  9. Suzy,
    This looks so inviting even though it is summer of here...but I love the fall season anytime of the year! I love how you used your textured clothing items for the centerpiece to set the mood, I will remember this when fall rolls around...

    Thanks for linking up to Centerpiece Wednesday!

  10. Looks cozy! I eat soup all year long even though my husband fusses and says this is winter food! Oh well, our winters aren't very long here in Louisiana! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Suzy, It all looks so cozy to me; even though we are having a heat wave!!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  12. Your blog is lovely. I found you on Toot Your Own Horn. :) New follower. :)

  13. Suzy, Do you know that it is the 2nd day of summer? It is 95 degrees here! But your snuggly vignette is so pretty and makes me wish it was February!
    I love the warm and toasty fireplace.

  14. Guilty as charged! I totally tend to forget that your weather pattern is pretty much the opposite of that here in the US. It's nice, though, to get a change of pace when looking at your posts! Instead of all the hot weather and outdoor entertaining stuff, I get treated to warm memories of the cold weather months! This is such a pretty photo. Reminds me of a Ralph Lauren ad. The fireplace roaring in the background is the perfect color match to your accessories. Like Marilyn, when I saw that first photo I thought it was a sock puppet like on the Kia Sorento car ads (don't know if those are shown there)!!! I felt really dumb when I saw it was a winter cap! :-) :-) :-) Have a great weekend and stay warm!!!

  15. It is hot as the dickens here in Miami, so I love hearing about your cool temps and hot chocolate. Sounds divine and looks sooo inviting!
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  16. Nope! Haven't forgotten - it is a treat for you to share and to see the comparison of things down under to things here! It is going to be scorching hot in the next few days - the soup we're eating is chilled - love your photos - so cozy!
    I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  17. Thanks so much for sharing this cute post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. I love your photos with the fire and hot chocolate. Very relaxing!


  18. So pretty! Stay warm! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!
