Monday, March 11, 2013

Drama filled day!!

We had the most beautiful engagement party on Saturday night for our son and his fiance and I have some lovely pictures to share which I thought would happen today but no……..drama instead! Our son has been living in our city unit for the last 9 years (and his fiance for 2 years) and after buying his own home, today they finally moved out. We started shifting them in yesterday and all was going well today…. well, that is except for the downpour (first day of rain for about 6 months!!)  which happened as we were about to load furniture but that was ok, little did we know there was worse to come. Mr FH had helped us shift then had headed back to the farm so we loaded lots of leftovers into our cars and were just starting to get unpacked and find homes for everything (we had been there all of 3 hours) when my son turned one the kitchen sink tap and a cap on a water heater pipe (inside the wall) came off and flooded the laundry and bathroom. It was steaming hot water which was going everywhere and as you can imagine we didn’t know where the water main was so we had trouble stopping it. The water was coming out at the bottom of the wall and the wall was looking like it was going to cave in!!!! Finally we managed to find an outside tap to stop the water and find an emergency plumber who came to our rescue. After a bill of $140 (I really thought it might be more) and a gaping hole in the laundry wall we had things sorted.

Tomorrow we are spending the day cleaning our unit ready for tenants to move in and then tackle this repair job! Hopefully I will have time to write the post I planned for today!


  1. Oh that stinks! That's great you already have a tenant lined up!


  2. Oh no!! What a drag! I am so glad you found the main line and could get it turned off. :) Hopefully today is better!
