Monday, March 4, 2013

Getting rid of dust bunnies!!

As our long hot summer is drawing to a close I have been busy trying to get rid of some of the dust that seems to be coating everything. In fact I’m beginning to think this whole house is joined together with one big cobweb. It just makes me feel so settled to have my beautiful china sparkling clean. Cushions and curtains have been laundered and floors and windows washed in my sunroom.  One room done and lots more to start on!!
Love these layers and layers of gorgeous blue and white patterns!! Oops I did get a little side tracked trying out some colours!!
I’m planning on starting out in the garden as soon as the weather cools a little more. We had such a busy weekend…..after 13 years we will have none of our kids living in our city unit so on Friday we travelled to the city to complete some maintenance before our tenants move in. I must admit I do feel a little sad that we won’t have that as our base. We do have two of our kids we can always stay with or our beach house is only one hour away. In fact after we had the quick cleanup we stayed with our daughter and her family for a night then we drove to the beach house. We are now home at the farmhouse so that makes it 4 different beds in 4 nights!!! Talk about crazy!
Have a lovely week!!
I'm joining-



  1. I enjoyed seeing your vast collection of blue and white china. It's hard to wrap my head around the idea that your summer is winding down! Getting things cleaned up always make me feel better too.

  2. SWOON...gorgeous blue and white!! My goodness, this is the most fabulous collection of blue and white I have ever seen!! I specially adore the calico layers. Have a great week.

  3. Suzy,
    I love all your blue & white dishes, dear one!!! The mixed media of hues in the final photo is gorgeous!!! At first glimpse, I thought you had the plates and things within an old box!
    Thank youfor sharing your lovely collection!

  4. Suzy, I'm swooning over all your lovely blue and white. What a collection! '-)

  5. ***swoon***
    My what gorgeous blues! I think I had the darker set (or very similar) when I was first married in the 70s. I loved it. Now I am wondering what happened to that set!
    An empty nest takes getting used to. I wish you the best.

  6. All of your blue and white is gorgeous. Great collection. Thanks for joinig TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. Beautiful blue and white! What dust bunnies -- besides -- it is bunny time -- almost!!! :D :D Happy Tea Day!

  8. Hi Suzy, that's a beautiful blue and white collection you have. My daughter is a huge fan of blue and white china but also vintage shabby chic stuff and so has collected a completely mixed up bunch of blue and white poecelain, but somehow it all looks great together. I have a few pen pals in Australia and they are all looking forward to the fall and cooler weather. Hugs for now. :)

  9. Hello there dear Suzy,

    My...How lovely! What an amazing array and collection of blue and white dishware. Wow! So beautifully arranged in your cupboard.

    I love it all!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  10. I love all your blue and white. My best friend collects it, she would be in heaven to see your collection. I will pray that you get use to the empty nest. It is hard. Blessings, Martha

  11. What a beautiful collection of blue and white dishes! So pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Hi Suzy, I'm visiting from TeaTime Tuesday. Your dish dresser is a beautiful piece and I love all the gorgeous blue and white china you have filled it with. Blessings.

  13. So many glorious blue pieces - love your china! You have an outstanding collection!

  14. You have the largest blue and white china collection I've ever seen, and it is all so nicely displayed.

  15. What a gorgeous collection of blue and white china. It must be fun to play with and set a pretty table.

  16. I see we have the same pattern in the blue & white calico by staffordshire of England

    I have had my set since 1986 and always added to it

    I loved seeing your dishes

  17. Loved seeing all that blue in the cabinet. So pretty!

  18. I have a collection of Blue Willow dishes, but now I see I need to expand my collection to different patterns. Your cupboard filled with blue & white is spectacular!

    Visiting from WOW.

  19. I love the blue and white, especially all the different patterns together. Beautiful collection. Dianne

  20. You have the most stunning collection of blue dishes. Wow. So many different pretty pieces. It must feel awesome to have at least one room done! Here's to kids growing up!!! xo marlis

  21. Suzy, Your collection of blue and white is beautiful! Thank you for linking to the Open House party.

  22. What a gorgeous collection of blue and white! fun helping you get rid of your dust bunnies.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Oh my ---- what gorgeous blue and white china you have! Love the bit of green mixed in too. How lovely.

  24. Oh how beautiful,I love blue and white china. You have such a huge collection. Your home sounds lovely. We are still in this awful heat wave and it's Autumn,can you believe it? I am so over Summer. Bring on the cool. :)

  25. Our minds were running on the same track this week! Oh, how I miss having some of my blue and white displayed in a hutch. None of it worked with my new granite and I had to put it away - sigh! Love seeing all of your beautiful pieces - you have quite a collection!

  26. I love the mix of blue and white plates. Beautiful calico ones! Fabulous display!..Christine

  27. Displayed beautifully! have always loved the blues, should get mine out again!

  28. Suzy, I can totally relate to wanting to rid the house of the dust bunnies! Even though I've had all Winter to do it, Life has been crazy-busy, and I've barely touched my housekeeping to-do list. I guess it's time for Spring Cleaning to begin. Thank you for inspiring me with your beautiful dishes. Good luck with the rest of your chores. :-)

  29. Oh, what a gorgeous collection of blue and white! Simply scrumptious! Thanks for sharing and coming to tea, Suzy.


  30. I'm so jealous of you're HUGE blue 7 white collection!! I can only some day aspire to a collection like that!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Kate @ Uniquely Undone


  31. Gorgeous collection of blue wear...beautifully arranged...Thank you...:):)

  32. What an awesome collection of blue and white china.
    One drawback of traveling is not sleeping in my own bed!
    Have a great weekend, Suzy.

  33. Suzy, I just had to come back for more of this blue and white goodness. Your different patterns mixed together is stunning.

  34. Wow, what a lovely collection. Suzy. I love blue and white and have a (much) smaller collection. Yours is so pretty and inspiring too.

  35. NICE! You might just have more blue and white than me. :)

    LOVE IT!


  36. You had me at blue and white! You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House! Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  37. Love your collection of Calico and the bits of Cornish ware. Blue and white is so soothing.

  38. I know how good it feels to have everything freshly cleaned and laundered. Sigh, if we could only keep it that way! But no, we have to repeat the whole process again and again.

  39. LOVE your china.
    Stopping by via Make it Pretty Monday.

  40. Thank you so much for sharing at Pretty Things this week, love seeing your fabulous collection!

    xo, Tanya

  41. Wow. Your collection is stunning. I love blue and white and this is simply amazing.

  42. Beautiful blue and whites!
    This week is the St. Patrick's Day crawl, so it has to be green. :)

  43. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  44. I could sit and look at your pretty blue and whites all day long. Thanks for sharing. I bet that was quite the effort to clean it all. I need to start on my spring cleaning here too.

  45. Awesome collection. I collect Blue and white dishes also, but we have very little overlap. Calico style stuff is expensive here. It's so beautiful.
