Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Spooky spooky night

As the rest of the world (or so it seems) gears up for Halloween it seems Australia is just catching on to this fun time. As a child we never ever celebrated Halloween but these days the number of kids out trick or treating is increasing greatly. My daughter who lives in the city is surprised by the number of little visitors she has knocking on the door.
I needed to make a quick display at school just to tide me over for a few weeks so I decided to set up a quick little table to display our spooky books. I explained to the students some of the things I knew about Halloween and also some I had googled. I even had one students ask if I was saying ‘Chicken Treat” or trick or treat!!  Chicken Treat is our nearest fast food outlet…some 70 kms away, mind you!  I had picked up the piece of fabric last year when everything for Halloween was out on sale so that was my starting point. I quickly printed off a few signs and pumpkins grabbed a piece of net (only had white, so that had to do!) then gathered up as many books as I could and I was done. I just love this fabric – how cool would this be for a tablecloth??  At the last minute I remembered my gorgeous black spider I had made out of paper plates and wool for a previous display so he came out to join in!   The kids loved the colours and the fact that spooky books can also be fun!!
I'm joining: 


  1. It does look very spooktacular to me, Suzy. xo Diana

  2. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  3. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  4. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  5. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  6. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  7. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  8. Spread the word Halloween is such a fun time for kids! I hope the brush fires are now under control. Have a great week, Laura

  9. Oh how spooky and fun. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  10. Love, love those "Goosebumps" books! How could the students not want to read when shown this very spooky display! Kudos for encouraging reading. Does my heart good. Visiting via Friday Flash Blog Jenny Evoltion

  11. This is really an eye catching display to peak the children's interests in some fun books. Well done!!

    I suppose it is the internet usage that had brought Halloween to AU. I hope only the good parts of it become tradition & none of the mischief or vandalism.

  12. Such a fun display! There are a lot of spooky Halloween books that kids love! Halloween is kind like a lit match. Once it starts it spreads like wild fire. lol! I think it will be a big thing in Australia before long. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  13. Fantastic display - hadn't thought that this might not be practiced as much as it is here - Chicken Treat - how cool is that ;)
    I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,
