Monday, October 21, 2013

Winter Wonderland

It really is hard to believe it’s spring. We are having such funny weather – it has rained all weekend here at the farmhouse while the eastern side of Australia is being hit by the devastating bushfires. It is just so early for this to be happening. I am dreading summer this year as we have so much wild grasses along the sides of the roads due to the extended rainy season we have had. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost their homes and also the families of the fire fighters who’s loved ones are away fighting this terrible fire. I pray everyone keeps safe.
I spent Saturday at the gift shop setting up the first Christmas display. The colours we were working with this year are silver, white and beautiful Tiffany blue. Last year I fell in love with the ladder Christmas Tree I had seen on Home Is Where The Boat Is blog. It was just divine. I used my dear old Dad’s wooden ladder as my tree and wound 350 little twinkling Christmas lights around it. It looks just gorgeous. Because it was raining when I had finished and took the photos from outside it really looked like a winter wonderland….something we don’t usually see here in Australia!!! It was very hard to take photos from inside as I was looking into the window and had too much light coming in. I’m sure you will get the idea though.
PS  This really is a bit of photo overload today!! LOL
I am promising myself that one day I will have a white Christmas…….not sure how I will cope being away from my family at Christmas though!!


I'm joining:




  1. I love all the blue and white! The ladder turned out amazing! I would have never thought of doing that. Isn't it fun to get inspiration from other blogs?

  2. Greetings from the Heartland of America. (I'm married to a full-time professional fire my thoughts and prayers go out to all those victims and fire fighters Down Under!) Anyway, your holiday window display is stunning. I love the colors. Dropping by from Tweak it Tuesday

  3. Suzy- What wonderful displays. Hard to believe you are moving into Spring as we are moving into freezing temperatures here. I really love how beautiful your Christmas display looks.

    Praying that the bush fires are well controlled this year- I always remember that scene in The Thornbirds about the bush fires. xo Diana

  4. Love the aqua and white. Now I have to see where I can find some of those really cute aqua birds! .... Candy

  5. Suzy- Did you know that you are coming through as a No Reply blogger? When you leave a comment no one can respond by email. Not sure if you were aware of that or not. If you want, I have a link that tells you how to fix it.

    Have a great Tuesday and I will check back later- xo Diana

  6. What a beautiful window display. I love the teals and whites. The teal stars with gold trim and the birds are my favorites. I'm in the Christmas spirit's never too early in my book!

  7. How beautiful! I have pinned several photos, just love the aqua/white/silver palette! Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE! What a wonderful display ;)

  9. Never too many pictures, just so beautiful, love the wonderful aqua and white, it is so lovely and I think it is special for this time of year, love your post, and remember never too many pictures,,,

  10. The display is so pretty, love the Tiffany blue. What a pretty color.

  11. Excellent job!
    I do believe I ♥ Tiffany blue!

  12. The ladder tree is lovely. Your display of the white, silver and blue items is very eye-catching.

  13. Turquoise...what a nice change and I like the contrast with your lime green walls..

  14. Gorgeous display! Love the ladder! Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  15. OMG! Y too soon?

    We are not yet finish in our Fall §:-) Hope Christmas can wait awhile. We have to enjoy the beautiful sunny and warm fall.

    However, white & blue? That's cute beautiful.

    /CC girl

  16. Suzy, I am still chuckling at your White Christmas promise to yourself. I feel that way sometimes.
    You have decorated your window in two of my favorite colors. Any shade of blue and anything silver. Not sure, is silver a color? Your window is sure to bring in the customers and I love the ladder tree. I was looking around the window and thought I would comment on my favorite item. I can't because they are all my favorite item. I will say, I have some napkin rings similar to the standing white angel. They are brass but I WILL be painting them white. Thanks for the inspiration. xoGinger

  17. We've heard on the news here in Canada about your wild fires there and our thoughts and prayers go out to your fellow country-men. LOVE your store window display! That blue colour is unexpected for Christmas and yet does seem suggestive of ice/snow (can't imagine NOT having a white Christmas;)when paired with the silver. While others may cringe about seeing Christmas displays in October, I LOVE it!!!


  18. I love your Christmas color scheme! Everything is so beautifully displayed! Love the ladder tree as well. So glad I saw you on Fabulously Creative Friday! Have a great weekend! ~Lorraine

  19. Aqua is one of my favorite colors! Love it for Christmas too. I pray that your fires will get under control. We just went through the same thing this past summer. I too fell head over heels in love with 'Home is where the boat is' and her ladder tree. She's a super talented lady. You've done a great job! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  20. Your window is so pretty! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the fan favorites at the Sunday Showcase from the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to the Showcase so you can check out your feature. Hope to see your prettiness again at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  21. A lovely color combination.

    It's a treat to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  22. I surely hope the fires don't start too early and/or get too bad. My daughter would love these color combinations for Christmas - beautiful! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,
