Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fun at the gift shop

Today is my last day of 'babysitting' my sister's shop! I have enjoyed it so much - I really would love to have a gift shop of my own oneday - who knows what's ahead - it may happen!

These are a few happy snaps of the displays I have been playing around with - enjoy....

I am off to a wedding tomorrow so I will be back after the weekend.



Anonymous said...

Oh~ Be still my heart! All that RED is making me swoon!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Suzy Sweetie...
I would be so broke working at this shop. I love red, and oh my gosh what beauties she has in there of redness. I love it. I love the little rectangle pan that says dishwasher. Is that not the best? The pillows are so delightful. I would just swim from one thing to the next. How fun.

Thank you so much for sharing with me today. I wish I lived close, I would be visiting your sister's shop.

Have a beautiful day sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry

vignette design said...

Love the red and white arrangements. I would be in heaven working in this shop. Only problem, I would buy everything!

Vicki said...

HI Suzy
wow I love the colours!!! I would work just to pay for stuff hahaha
anyway YOU WON!! congrats hun!!!!
thanks for entering!!!
Much love to you and yours
have a fab weekend
Vic xxxx

ellen b said...

How dangerous it would be for me to tend a shop like this one!! Love that red and white!

pam said...

Oh I'm loving all the red and crisp and refreshing when we are surrounded with a dead brown world.

Ingmarie We said...

Lovely collages! So colourful and fresh.

Amanda at 32˙North said...

What wonderful red displays! It must have been fun tending the shop!

Laurie said...

Such fun, crisp colors - thank you for sharing the joy with us!

Mary Lou said...

I love the phrase "happy snaps". that would make a good blog name.
Nice photos..

Anonymous said...

That red just pops! I'm like you, I would like to have a little shop myself.

Like your blog.
I'll be back!