Thursday, June 10, 2010

Breakfast in bed

While I was busy taking happy snaps of my daughter's bedroom I thought I would set up a breakfast tray ready for Tablescape Thursday with Susan.

I had one little white rose so picked that and tied it up with a blue ribbon.
I used my vintage salt and pepper shakers and a pretty doiley on this great tray I bought for half price a while back. I just love the colour and shape of the edges.

I didn't have a silver egg cup so instead I used a silver napkin ring on it's side - just perfect for a boiled egg for breaky.

This tray has the most gorgeous legs - I have it displayed on a dresser in my kitchen all the time. I actually bought it to use in the centre of the dining table but it really is a little too big for that.

This little teapot is just perfect for one person - just big enough for a a cuppa then a refill.


I have these pretty little dresses displayed in the bedroom - DNo 1 who turns 31 this year wore them when she was a baby. They are so frilly and cute - quite a bit different to the clothes babies wear today.

 This beautiful painting of a blue wren is on the bedside table - it was a gift from a friend for my 50th birthday - it really is exquisite.

Hope you will join me for beakfast.



Lynn said...

This is a very pretty setting, looks like a wonderful breakfast!

Martha said...

What a wonderful breakfast in bed!!! I don't do it everytime my DD comes but I've done it once in a while -- they need to be pampered you know!

Love your dishes and what a clever idea about the napkin ring -- of course, I love blue and white and silver napkin rings!

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hi, what a nice breakfast. That is a very cute idea to use a silver napkin ring for a egg stand. I have made this on Easter. I like the first photo with the egg in the napkin ring. The toastbread look like angel wings for the egg. So lovely. Greetings, Johanna

Tricia said...

What a gorgeous breakfast tray! I would feel so pampered to be presented with something this pretty! I love the blue and white, and what a clever idea to use the silver napkin ring as an egg holder! The tray by itself looks stunning, too.

Marigene said...

I would love to have someone serve me a pretty blue and white tray like that...

paperbutterfly said...

I would be happy to wake up to this any morning!
Love the silver napkin ring as an egg cup. Brilliant!!
Enjoy your weekend.

Barbara said...

I like the blue and white combination. You are so clever to use the napkin ring that way.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have this room. At 45 years old I still can't decide what my style anything.
