Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Fall Y’all!

Wow, what a week at the farm house!!! DNo2 has given us the beautiful gift of a darling baby girl. She has a big sister who is 18mths old and looks just like her! They are home from hospital(with no rush to the hospital needed!!) and settling in very well. DNo1 has two spunky little boys (2 1/2 yrs and 9 mths) so I feel very blessed to have the joy of 4 grandchildren in 2 1/2 years!!

I have been watching all the gorgeous tablescapes and mantels everyone has been posting around blogland and even though it’s spring her in Australia I thought I would join in. We had a cool day last week with drizzly rain so it was the perfect day to make a ‘fallish’ table.

I don’t have a lot of orange in my home (actually none!) but I had purchased this tableware with orange flowers on it one day when it was on sale so I paired it with my green dinner plates. I have seen some gorgeous old dough bowls around but as I didn’t own one of them I have used an old wooden divided serving tray and added some candles and fresh nasturiums from the garden.  The green flatware I purchased a while ago and paid $4.00 for a set of four!! Bargain!



Terri said...

You have set an excellent fall table! Your tea mugs are a perfect color for Autumn too. Those are really lovely candles!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Suzy,
Your table is very Fallen! The green and orange go so well together with your bits of brown. I must say, I envy your Spring on the way! Thanks for sharing.


Snap said...

Fun fall table and love those candles! Happy tea day!

Wanda Lee said...

Dear Snap..,

Happy Spring and a happy Fall all at once!.., Aah, the joys of blogging!

What a sprightly and cheerful teatime this week love it all, especially the fun modern-ish motifs and colors.

Hugs, Wanda Lee

Cindy @ Applestone Cottage said...

Congrats on the new baby girl Suzy!
You fall tablescape is quite gorgeous, love the color mix and your centerpiece too!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Yay on the new baby granddaughter ...that is wonderful. Your fall tablescape is lovely too. I've actually been to Australia when I was about 18. I absolutely loved it and have never forgotten how wonderful it was!
Great post.

KathyB. said...

I think you did a wonderful job of making an autumn display, and for a bargain price too, that makes it even better.

Congratulations on a new granddaughter, grandchildren are the best, and you have 4 close in age.You are going to have so much fun. ( you probably already are )

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful Fall Tablescape!! Love the colors!!

And congrats on the new grand baby!! Wow! 4 in 2 1/2 years!!


Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

What a great fall table! I just saw your post on Wow Us Wednesday! Such great color and texture! Congrats on the new grandbaby!!! I am your newest follower; and I hope you will follow back! Blessings to you!

My Dream Canvas said...

What a lovely table! Wow! I hope to see you at My Dream Canvas.

Alycia Nichols said...

Many congratulations, Miss Grandma! :-) Four in 2-1/2 years...wow!!! I have one. Just one. Only one. Solamente una. I have been told I will be getting no more. None. Nada. (Sigh!) I was hoping for a grandson someday, but since I only had one child and he is over and done with it, I guess I will have to put that dream in a drawer and lock it away! On to your table....the dishes are FABulous!!!!!!!! I LOVE orange (my dining room has a lot in it), and those are such pretty dishes. The flower is feminine, but because it's large and singular I don't think men would be intimidated by it. Paired up with the green and brown, the dishes are rockin'!! LOVE the tablecloth design, too. There is something about those salt and pepper shakers I really, really like. They remind me of something, somewhere...but I can't figure it out. They are really cool! Happy Spring to you as we work our way through this topsy-turvy autumn with its 45 degree nights and 85 degree days! Weird!

Anonymous said...

First of all...CONGRATULATIONS to everyone! Your table is very fallish...love the colors. I really like your candles. Love that crackled look!

Anonymous said...

Tell her to treasure those little girls.
My children were 18 mos apart and they were so close.
I wish I could go back in time and spend my days with what is important.

take care

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Pretty fall colors. Congratulations on your newest baby grand!

Marigene said...

Congrats on the new grandbaby! Gorgeous table, as always.

My Little Home and Garden said...

You've created a beautiful autumn table. Feel free to fully indulge in spring, though! It's fun to enjoy the various seasons and climatic conditions from around the globe. There's a good Canadian rain going on here right now!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Suzy, Congrats on the new granddaughter! Aren't grandchildren the best? Your Fall Table is beautiful and I appreciate you sharing it at the Open House Party.

Unknown said...

oooh how lovely and what a good deal!!! Congrats are due to your famiy too, how fun! Thx for sharing and I look forward to seeing you this week. Trish from Sweetology's Tea Party Tuesday

The Charm of Home said...

Very pretty! Congrats on the new granddaughter! Thank you for joining me at HSH Fall Open House! I'm late getting around, last week internet troubles.:)