Monday, October 17, 2011

Just dial 000

Don’t panic I haven’t taken ill and been raced off to hospital…..Last Friday Mr FH and I attended the graduation ceremony for our gorgeous son. He has been back at uni this year and has just graduated as an ambo!!! Yippee!! Smile I am so proud of him and all the work he has put into this. He still has another 18 mths study (while working on the ambulance) to complete before he is a fully qualified paramedic. He has just finished his 12 week induction course after attending uni for the first six months of the year. Today he is out amongst the action!! He has done a few shifts on the ambulance as an extra but from now on there will be just him and a paramedic.  He has completed his driver training course but won’t get to be the driver for a while yet. He’s very tall, handsome and very caring so I’m sure his patients will be in good hands!! (I think I might be a bit biassed!! LOL). 
Tomorrow I am off to rearrange my sister’s gift shop – can’t wait. I have lots of ideas running around in my head. 

(PS Our emergency number here in Australia is 000)

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